It is really difficult to love in the context of what God wants us to do. It is crazy. It is humanly impossible. Because according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 " Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud, love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith,hope, and patience never fail."
*SIGH* Based on what was written in the Bible, loving is no joke. Sometimes we say the words "I LOVE YOU" but do we really mean it? I mean REALLY do mean it. Often times we utter those words as if it were just an expression. Or sometimes we associate love with someone who is lovable. Or we think love is just pure physical attraction. Our perception of how love is and how it works is very shallow. We fail to acknowledge that love came from God and God is love.
I have been into many relationships. All had their good and bad moments. I’ve loved and lost. I’m guilty of overusing the phrase "i love you" but come to think of it have i really meant it? Maybe for some yes i did but i may be guilty of using it just to say it for the heck of saying it.
As stated above, we should learn to love like how God loves us. He loved us even if we were undeserving because HE is God and we are but sinners but still He was and still is loving us inspite of who we are … wretched nobodies. And HIs love is active. He did not wait for us to come to him but he continually makes Himself present in our lives. The problem with us tho is that we are too preoccupied what we are doing that we become blind and deaf to see and hear that He loves us. And God’s love for us is costly in his part because Jesus had to give up His very life for us. Would you ever give up your life for someone who has offended you many times? That’s what we do. We are sinners but Jesus continually loves us inspite of our flaws.